Monday, July 30, 2012

Tell a difference...

Let me see here, my training for now is cardio, jump rope, crunches with the stability ball and also crunches with the decline bench. At this moment I am doing cardio every day but the other workouts / exercises I am  doing them every other day. Then in a week or two weeks change it up to every day. Then once again add more workouts / exercises. I decided to take new updated pics. As I saw with the other pictures I took recently you could not tell that much of a difference. You can see clearly now that I have to work more on my abs this time around my abs and lower abs. That will be the main focus this time, since I have to work very hard on that. Here are two pictures below. 

Yes, I am still on the weight plateau which I dislike. I will be figuring out what is it this time around. That is why I am going to concentrate if it's my work outs this week. If I don't see any changes then it will probably be my food intake. I'm still stuck at 176 lbs / 79 kg. Ahhhh!!! I will soon break that plateau, very soon!!! 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Weight Plateau....AHHHH!

Truth is I've always disliked weight plateaus. I tend to figure out what is the problem at times. Either the food intake or the work outs / exercises. Most of the time is the food intake and when it's not the food intake is the exercises. I have to figure it out all the time. Which I don't mind doing then again when I am continuously doing every thing I can to break that weight plateau it can get a bit frustrating at times. Now this is the third time I've hit I weight plateau. Do I dislike it let me just say this: AHHHHHHHHH! I dislike weight plateaus! I'm stuck at 176 lbs / 79 kg. I will continue exercising, doing cardio that is. All I have to do is figure out now if it's my work outs . exercising that I have change up or either the food intake. I will add a few work out / exercises today and see the difference in two weeks if it's my work outs / exercises. Then from there I will be able to know. What is causing my weight plateau...

On my second weight plateau that I was stuck on it wasn't my food intake nor my exercises. I still decided to change both. Well I notice it was my body getting use to the weight. I remember when being young I use to weigh 160 lbs / 72 kg. I always weight above that weight never less. That is why now that I recall, I am wondering if I will be having troubles when I get to that certain weight. 

As you can tell I've gotten to weight plateaus, and once again they can be very frustrating enough that their where times I wanted to give up. Truth as you can tell I didn't, and yet I haven't. I still continue my journey on this weight loss that is truly my number one main goal. 

Friday, July 27, 2012


Let me see here; since I am employed I am wondering and deciding what equipment to invest on that I know for a fact it would help me out a lot with my calisthenics work outs / exercises. It's a bit difficult because I know what I want then again I ask myself do I really need it? Will I use it often once I get the equipment or will I use it temporarily? I'm not quite sure for the moment what kind of work out equipment I want to invest on. I know for a fact I will debate that for awhile till I make up my mind. Tomorrow what I will do my best on doing dips with the parallel bars I have in the backyard. My father helped me build the parallel bars. Which I am happy about except I haven't used it in months. I have to get back into calisthenics training. We will see how it goes in these past few days, which soon will be months. This time around I am dedicating myself on losing the weight that I have left to sweat off. That is the first achievement that I have to complete before the end of this year. My other achievement while doing that is looking for a better employment. Oh yeah!!!

I have decided to come start back up doing cardio for 35 minutes to 1 hour in the morning, evening or night. This time around using a trash bag though. I wear the trash bag on top of me. This is what I do I wear a long sleeve, then wear the trash bag on top of my long sleeve. No, I do not do it underneath. I heard people put it underneath their sweaters. Heard they lost weight big time. Like people have told me, every ones body is different. You have to listen to your body. That is very true... Tomorrow morning I am going on the parallel bars and be there for a few minutes working on my dips. This time around I have decided to dedicate myself and not slack off. Truth is I have been slacking off due to a few things that have been going on in my life. I have decided that I need to "do me." Make myself happy which means losing the rest of the weight. Oh yeah! By the end of August I will post a new picture of me or in October. I will figure it out. 

This time around no more slacking off; now is : WORK OUT EVERYDAY!!!!!!! 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Intermediate Process: 3...

As few months passed by I continued to work out / exercise: sprint, walk, jump rope, and calisthenics. After working out for awhile I realized that I was stuck at a weight plateau for the second time. The weight plateau I was stuck at was in between 205 lbs / 92 kg and 200 lbs / 90 kg. I was very upset due to the fact I was stuck at a weight plateau all over again. In the end I would still work out. Till one day I notice that I had a punching bag in the backyard. Since it was bought by my father no one ever used it. I decided to put the punching bag up and use it. The main reason why I decided to use it because I needed to add a new work out, for my body to continue to lose weight. I decided to look up for kickboxing videos on an learn a few moves on my own. I would do kickboxing every other day, or either that I would do it everyday for a week. When I would do kickboxing for a whole week I would stop for two days then continue to do them every other day. I would switch up my work outs / exercises. After a few months later of working out hard, and eating healthy. Then one day as I was kickboxing, out of no where the punching bag ripped from the hangers. I couldn't believe it after using the punching bag over five months the punching bag from the hangers decided to tear. I switched back on doing what I use to do which is: sprint , walk, jump rope, and calisthenics. I must admit I did stop a few weeks here on working out due to the fact   I got very busy with a few problems and errands that had to be fixed. After that I decided to start off back with walking and biking, after doing that for awhile I came down to 190 lbs /  86 kg.  I still decided to continue to walk and do some bike riding even though I still had several problems to fix. Then I got busy searching for employment, that is when I stopped walking and did bike riding when I had the time and chance too. Even though I ended up being busy when I had a day off free from problems, errands, and more. I would literally get back to my workouts and also went back on the hunt to search for employment once again. While doing that, I still continued to walk if not walk ride the bike. I would do this back and forth, also depending what I felt like doing during that day. I still continue to work out / exercise, eating healthy, and also making fruit smoothies. One day I got a call stating if I was available to come in to work. I said. "Yes!" I must admit I'm very glad that I have employment now after three years. I must admit I was very unhappy without being employed then at the same time I am glad it happen because this is where I am at this moment continuing my journey to lose weight.

Then for awhile I am stepped on the digital scale these past three days and I am now 176 lbs / 79 kg. Truth is I don't have a weight goal but it states on the Height and Weight Chart ' ' that I found states that my weight has to be around 113 lbs / 51 kg to 135 lbs / 61 kg. Here below are two new pics of me. 

Note: I'm still continuing to work out / exercise, even though there are times I have a busy schedule. My workouts are basic calisthenics and one hour of cardio. Even though I can be busy I still find to make time for my workouts. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Intermediate Process: 2...

One day of course my ex brother in law decided to longer wanted to attend the gym, due to the fact he had different plans. My ex brother in law decided to cancel both of our gym memberships. The reason being is because he was paying for my membership also. When the membership was canceled, I had left one more month. I would go in here and their. Then I completely stopped working out. Since I no longer had a gym membership, I thought their was no point of me to continue to work out / exercise. After a few months later, I would say two to three months, a friend of mine; I don't quite recall his name (since it's been a long time since we have spoken) by the name of Keith or Kevin. Truth is K helped me get motivate all over again that I could definitely continue without the need of a gym. I would tell K that I couldn't nor was I able to continue if I no longer had a gym membership or could I afford one. Truth is K kept on insisting that I could, by simple telling me to do calisthenics. Then I asked K what is calisthenics? K told me, calisthenics are workouts / exercises you use to do in physical education class; which are push ups, jumping jacks, squats, and more. I simply asked them how can that help me more than the gym, knowing very well the gym has various types of equipment and free weights? He stated it's better! In all honesty I was still a bit confused and wondering how can calisthenics help me out. K insisted for me to start of by walking; if there was a park near to me to walk as long as I could. One Saturday morning, I woke up early and decided to go out for a walk at the school park. By the time I was on the third lap, I was done and over with. I could no longer continue and realized that I couldn't do anymore laps. That I, myself was still overweight. Then I told my friend K, I was only able to do three laps walking. K stated that a start, but to continue walking every day, then sooner or later I would be able to do more laps than I ever thought I could achieve. My friend K continually kept me motivated all the time by telling me: not to give up and to continue. K, would keep me motivated, he would literally give me that extra push of support that I needed. I am very thankful for K helping me on giving me that extra support.

After a few days I was able to do more than three laps. I would literally push myself to the limit to continue to do more laps. That time when I pushed myself to the limit to do 6 laps in 1 hour. When I got to that point able to do 6 laps in 1 hour, I was very amazed. In three months of walking everyday, my weight from 245 lbs / 111 kg suddenly changed to 225 lbs / 102 kg. I was very surprised knowing that walking had helped me very much. Then as I continued walking, this time around though, I was stuck at a weight plateau which was very unpleasant. The weight plateau me being stuck at was 220 lbs / 99 kg. I was not able to do down to anymore. I was very mad at the fact that I wasn't losing weight any longer. Then I decided to do some research on the internet. I came across a lot of information, stating that it had to do with my diet and also the need for me to change my workout / exercise  and routine. The only workout / exercise I had at the moment was walking, my routine for that was everyday. I was on the verge on giving up. Till I spoke to a few of my buddies of mine off Facebook that have more experience than me. I asked them for a few workout / exercise routines. I told them I would usually walk, one friend told me to switch it up, meaning add something to my workout / exercise: sprint for 10 seconds and walk for a few minutes, max minutes to walk 3 to 5, then sprint again for 10 seconds. Then another friend suggest the old trick in the book, jump rope. The jump rope works out your entire body. Truth is, I said to myself, "It doesn't hurt to give it a try right?" I would do what my friends suggested. An entire hour I would sprint and walk. Then after being done with that I would switch it up to jump rope. (Not using a jump rope in a long time, last time I recall using it when I was a child in elementary school. This time around using the jump rope was definitely a work out for me.) The main course as always, the food, they would tell me eat more fruits and veggies. I did it! I broke my weight plateau slowly but surely, even though it would frustrate me losing the weight very slowly. (The other reason why I would get stuck in a weight plateau due to the fact that my body was adapting to that weight.) After a few months of working out hard, over working out, and especially eating more fruits and veggies, it finally worked completely. My weight completely changed being at 225 lbs / 102 kg onto 205 lbs / 92 kg.

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Intermediate Process...

After six months straight attending the gym, even though their where times I was tired and / or busy. I would still manage to find time for me to attend the gym. During that time frame I decided to take supplements. I didn't know much about them. I decided to go to the mall and go inside this store by the name of GNC:  Then of course I spoke to a gentlemen that worked at that store. In all honesty I could tell he is a bodybuilder and professional at his employment. I knew for a fact he had years of experience. I asked him a few questions and I did get the answers I was looking for, which I indeed I was very happy about. I bought a few supplements and vitamin products. In between those six months I did try a few supplements to help me out with my weight loss to get lean. Some supplements did work and some of them didn't. How could I tell if a supplement would help or didn't help? In two weeks I would see a difference. I did try one but it was not helping at all. Till I found the one supplement that worked for me: GNC Pro Performance® AMP Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60™ - Vanilla. I would use this supplement from time to time, either that I would drink it frequently. It depended on what kind of works outs / exercises I would do for that certain day. I would continually workout / exercise if I did or didn't have my supplements. I made sure I had vitamins. Truth is vitamins are very important for the body. After all that hard work in the gym, I realized I lost a lot of weight when I weighted myself on at the gyms digital scale. (Truth is since I saw myself every day I didn't notice the difference when I saw myself only in the difference of size in the jeans I would wear. Also relatives and friends that haven't seen me in a long time; they notice that I did lose weight.) The numbers that came up on the digital scale I was very amazed and below are two pictures of me weighing at 245 lbs / 111 kg. 


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Starting Process...

After weighing myself in the digital scale knowing very well that I weighted 290 lbs / 131 kg. I decided that for a week up to two weeks I would explore and figure out what each individual equipment would function; for what part of the body. (Me being a newbie at the gym) After those two weeks, I finally knew what equipment worked what part of the body and what I would use to benefit my health. I decided to start doing 1 hour of cardio using the treadmill, walking at a high incline, like if I was hiking. Then after that one hour of cardio, I would do the free weights. I started off with bench press then later the leg press. Now on the free weights I would do two to three hours. Every other day I would do the same thing. Till one day this guy came up to me. Told me if you wanna get skinny all you have to do is use the cardio machines. If you want to get fit do a bit of cardio and a lot of free weights. I told him that I want to get fit. He goes, "I notice you are working the same body parts over and over again. Switch up your work outs every day. If you are doing the same work outs you are tearing your muscles over and over again and you won't see any gains of muscles."  I must admit I was not disappointed when he asked me a few questions. In fact I was very glad that he notice what I did around the gym and gave me advice. Ever since he told me to switch up my work outs I decided to search on the web for a few things. I remember coming across this one site and every since then I frequently visit this site a lot: I found a few interesting workouts that I decided to try. Then from this point on I ended up going the gym Monday - Saturday (6 days a week) and work out three to four hours everyday. Sundays, rest days. Here (below) is another picture of me at 290 lbs / 131 kg. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Beginning...

Approximately three to four years ago I was obese (overweight). Due to the economies financial problems, I became one unemployed. Ever since then once being unemployed everyone does what they have to do, which is search for employment. While I was seeking for employment, I decided to do something for myself, which is become healthy. The reason for me that I decided to change my health around was because I could no longer sleep in bed laying down. I had to literary sleep on the couch but sitting down. I did that for three months straight. Till one day my ex brother in law since he was working during that time, he decided to sign up for a gym membership. Of course my ex brother in law decided to ask me if I wanted to join the gym, I simply told him it would be great but I have no income. He came up with an option, he stated that he would pay the gym membership for me as long as I became his workout partner. I thought about the idea for a few minutes and I gave him the answer, which was, "Yes, we have a deal!" On Thursday evening we found the nearest gym and signed up for the membership (24 HR Fitness). Then on Friday night we decided to start going to the gym. When I enter the gym, I was amazed. Didn't know exactly where to start. In my whole entire life never been in a gym, basically a facility with all these various kinds of equipment to work your whole entire body. 

I felt a bit confused because didn't know where to start. I've seen the treadmills before, I knew about them. Didn't know about the other rest of the equipment, me seeing that was very new to me. What I decided to do first was check my weight. I never knew how much I would weight. I stepped on to the digital weight scale, then a few seconds my weight pops ups: 290 lbs / 131 kg. When I saw that number pop up on the digital scale all I could do was nod my head down. Then I stated to myself, "How did I ever let this happen to me? I thought I was 200 lbs / 91 kg." As you can tell I thought wrong. I had no idea how I let myself get obese (overweight). Here (below) is a picture of me weighing at 290 lbs / 131 kg.