One day of course my ex brother in law decided to longer wanted to attend the gym, due to the fact he had different plans. My ex brother in law decided to cancel both of our gym memberships. The reason being is because he was paying for my membership also. When the membership was canceled, I had left one more month. I would go in here and their. Then I completely stopped working out. Since I no longer had a gym membership, I thought their was no point of me to continue to work out / exercise. After a few months later, I would say two to three months, a friend of mine; I don't quite recall his name (since it's been a long time since we have spoken) by the name of Keith or Kevin. Truth is K helped me get motivate all over again that I could definitely continue without the need of a gym. I would tell K that I couldn't nor was I able to continue if I no longer had a gym membership or could I afford one. Truth is K kept on insisting that I could, by simple telling me to do calisthenics. Then I asked K what is calisthenics? K told me, calisthenics are workouts / exercises you use to do in physical education class; which are push ups, jumping jacks, squats, and more. I simply asked them how can that help me more than the gym, knowing very well the gym has various types of equipment and free weights? He stated it's better! In all honesty I was still a bit confused and wondering how can calisthenics help me out. K insisted for me to start of by walking; if there was a park near to me to walk as long as I could. One Saturday morning, I woke up early and decided to go out for a walk at the school park. By the time I was on the third lap, I was done and over with. I could no longer continue and realized that I couldn't do anymore laps. That I, myself was still overweight. Then I told my friend K, I was only able to do three laps walking. K stated that a start, but to continue walking every day, then sooner or later I would be able to do more laps than I ever thought I could achieve. My friend K continually kept me motivated all the time by telling me: not to give up and to continue. K, would keep me motivated, he would literally give me that extra push of support that I needed. I am very thankful for K helping me on giving me that extra support.
After a few days I was able to do more than three laps. I would literally push myself to the limit to continue to do more laps. That time when I pushed myself to the limit to do 6 laps in 1 hour. When I got to that point able to do 6 laps in 1 hour, I was very amazed. In three months of walking everyday, my weight from 245 lbs / 111 kg suddenly changed to 225 lbs / 102 kg. I was very surprised knowing that walking had helped me very much. Then as I continued walking, this time around though, I was stuck at a weight plateau which was very unpleasant. The weight plateau me being stuck at was 220 lbs / 99 kg. I was not able to do down to anymore. I was very mad at the fact that I wasn't losing weight any longer. Then I decided to do some research on the internet. I came across a lot of information, stating that it had to do with my diet and also the need for me to change my workout / exercise and routine. The only workout / exercise I had at the moment was walking, my routine for that was everyday. I was on the verge on giving up. Till I spoke to a few of my buddies of mine off Facebook that have more experience than me. I asked them for a few workout / exercise routines. I told them I would usually walk, one friend told me to switch it up, meaning add something to my workout / exercise: sprint for 10 seconds and walk for a few minutes, max minutes to walk 3 to 5, then sprint again for 10 seconds. Then another friend suggest the old trick in the book, jump rope. The jump rope works out your entire body. Truth is, I said to myself, "It doesn't hurt to give it a try right?" I would do what my friends suggested. An entire hour I would sprint and walk. Then after being done with that I would switch it up to jump rope. (Not using a jump rope in a long time, last time I recall using it when I was a child in elementary school. This time around using the jump rope was definitely a work out for me.) The main course as always, the food, they would tell me eat more fruits and veggies. I did it! I broke my weight plateau slowly but surely, even though it would frustrate me losing the weight very slowly. (The other reason why I would get stuck in a weight plateau due to the fact that my body was adapting to that weight.) After a few months of working out hard, over working out, and especially eating more fruits and veggies, it finally worked completely. My weight completely changed being at 225 lbs / 102 kg onto 205 lbs / 92 kg.
After a few days I was able to do more than three laps. I would literally push myself to the limit to continue to do more laps. That time when I pushed myself to the limit to do 6 laps in 1 hour. When I got to that point able to do 6 laps in 1 hour, I was very amazed. In three months of walking everyday, my weight from 245 lbs / 111 kg suddenly changed to 225 lbs / 102 kg. I was very surprised knowing that walking had helped me very much. Then as I continued walking, this time around though, I was stuck at a weight plateau which was very unpleasant. The weight plateau me being stuck at was 220 lbs / 99 kg. I was not able to do down to anymore. I was very mad at the fact that I wasn't losing weight any longer. Then I decided to do some research on the internet. I came across a lot of information, stating that it had to do with my diet and also the need for me to change my workout / exercise and routine. The only workout / exercise I had at the moment was walking, my routine for that was everyday. I was on the verge on giving up. Till I spoke to a few of my buddies of mine off Facebook that have more experience than me. I asked them for a few workout / exercise routines. I told them I would usually walk, one friend told me to switch it up, meaning add something to my workout / exercise: sprint for 10 seconds and walk for a few minutes, max minutes to walk 3 to 5, then sprint again for 10 seconds. Then another friend suggest the old trick in the book, jump rope. The jump rope works out your entire body. Truth is, I said to myself, "It doesn't hurt to give it a try right?" I would do what my friends suggested. An entire hour I would sprint and walk. Then after being done with that I would switch it up to jump rope. (Not using a jump rope in a long time, last time I recall using it when I was a child in elementary school. This time around using the jump rope was definitely a work out for me.) The main course as always, the food, they would tell me eat more fruits and veggies. I did it! I broke my weight plateau slowly but surely, even though it would frustrate me losing the weight very slowly. (The other reason why I would get stuck in a weight plateau due to the fact that my body was adapting to that weight.) After a few months of working out hard, over working out, and especially eating more fruits and veggies, it finally worked completely. My weight completely changed being at 225 lbs / 102 kg onto 205 lbs / 92 kg.
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